Surviving Divorce After Abuse: San Francisco Bay Area Therapy

 Getting divorced can feel like the end of the world. You enter a phase of your life that wasn't planned, and definitely wasn't your plan. Nobody would enter into a marriage or domestic partnership planning divorce, and finding a therapist in San Francisco for divorce is overwhelming. Remember these tips as you work through the divorce process in San Francisco and beyond.

1. Divorce Happens: Be careful of judgement, shame, and thinking negative thoughts about this aspect of your life.

2. Abuse Can Be Part of Divorce: Abusive partners continue to be abusive after and during a divorce. Finding a therapist can be a key tool to surviving your divorce in a whole and healthy way.

3. Divorce is Temporary: You will come out the other side of this terrible situation and be whole again. Divorce therapy can get you there much faster.

Sara Fischer Sanford, LCSW is a divorced, trauma therapist in San Francisco. Sara helps men and women survive all types of divorce through therapy counseling. Many people forget to care about their mental health if facing divorce abuse, or post-separation abuse. So divorce therapy may go unknown or untapped, but Sara is working to change this silent wave of stigma and lack of therapy support.

If you would like to start divorce therapy, divorce counseling, marriage counseling, relationship counseling, counseling for trauma or PTSD, please contact


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