Every therapist or therapy practice has a cancellation policy. Most request cancellations within 48 hours, but this can vary. Your therapist must provide you with the cancellation policy in writing during your first session and will discuss the policy in detail. Please be sure to ask any questions about cancellations or missed sessions in advance.

As a therapist, I ask my clients to give me as much notice as possible. There are always emergencies. But, those emergencies are to be few and far between. I will occasionally waive a cancellation fee, but I am more flexible when my clients prefer to reschedule.

Why? As a therapist I am responsible for following a treatment plan designed to treat your mental health. I cannot support my patients to improve and reach goals if there are frequent cancellations. This is an obligation toward YOU. 

The other issue with cancellations is that insurance only covers time that is actually spent with your therapist. If you miss a session, the insurance company will not pay, because there were no medical services provided.

Lastly, your therapist goes unpaid when you cancel. As much as all therapists want to support patients regardless of cost, therapy is a business. As a small business owner in private practice, I am here for my clients, but I also have to pay bills associated with providing care.

The best option is to safe last minute cancellations for absolute emergencies, be flexible with your reschedules, and to avoid missing sessions unless you must.


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