When reviewing articles online, there seems to be a consensus that around 10% of Americans spend the holidays alone each year. Further, there are a huge number of individuals that despite having a holiday invitation, will spend the holidays feeling lonely and isolated.

As a therapist I have clients each and every year who are spending holidays alone. There are absolutely times that this is a good option. If there is family conflict or even a challenge in paying for flights, spending a holiday alone is a fair option. There are many healthy anf functioning people that also happen to be isolated enough to not receive an invitation.

Spending the holidays alone is not a reflection of your worth as a person, as a friend, or an individual. That is the most important message I can send to any of my clients or anyone else feeling this isolation.

What can I do?

I recommend to my clients to focus on self-care. Watch your favorite movies, go outdoors for a long walk, order your favorite takeout. You can absolutely cook a traditional dinner for yourself. 

What will be most useful to navigate a holiday alone will be a mindset where this is a day for self-care and self-love, rathen than a day where someone is flawed or broken because of a lack of invitations for dinner.


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