Medication is not for everyone. However, for many people struggling with mental health, medication can allow a return to better coping. Therapy and medication work best hand in hand. But, where do you start? For most people with more common mental health symptoms such as depression or anxiety, your primary care doctor can be the first place to stop. Some primrary care doctors will prescribe medication during an office visit or online. The doctor will review medication options, talk about side effects, and allow you to pick up medication at the pharmacy. 

Not every primary care physician prescribes mental health medications. Additionally, some more complex mental health concerns are better managed by a psychiatrist. Seeing a psychiatrist is not as daunting as it may sound. Psychiatry services are covered by health insurance and many are offering services via Telehealth. A trip to the psychiatrist may include completing a survey about your symptoms in addition to explaining what you are experiencing. In addition to your specific mental health concerns, the doctor will also ask about your normal routine, sleep patterns, appetite, and any other physical issues that pop up as well. After you see the psychiatrist you can pick up your prescription at your regular pharmacy. The psychiatrist will schedule a follow up visit and you should reach out with questions that arise.

Seeing a doctor for mental health is just as simple as going in for a check-up. If you aren't comfortable enough with your doctor to talk about your mental health, this may be a sign to find a doctor that you find to be compatible. 

Don't be scared to ask questions. Don't be scared to ask for guidance from your therapist as well. Your therapist can help you narrow down symptoms and talk about what has been effective in therapy. You can also ask your therapist to talk with your doctor on the phone if that is helpful. Ask your therapist for a release of information form to allow both clinicians to communicate about your health.


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