In my practice, I find that most new clients experience some level of pre-therapy anxiety. Even finding that you need emotional support is taxing in itself. I feel the best way to feel comfortable starting therapy is to have an idea about what to expect.

Most clinicians offer a free consultation. That is a brief 15-30 minute discussion. During that meeting, the therapist will usually make introductions, discuss specialties, and provide information about insurance and billing. The therapist will also ask very general questions about your reason for wanting therapy. It could be something as broad as feeling sad, down, or anxious. There aren't going to be very specific questions during this consultation.

As a therapist that works via tele-health, I also will ask prospective clients about their comfort level with technology, to make sure that tele-health is a good match.  I will also explain how confidentiality works with a therapist and make sure that the prospective client knows to calla 911 for any mental health emergency.

I will give the floor to the client to ask any questions and then follow up with next steps (typically billing) via email and my third party billing company.

So what do you need to bring to your first therapy session? Just bring yourself. Bring an idea about what caused you to send that email and schedule your consultation. Your therapist can guide you from there.  You don't have to know all the right questions or answers. Just be open, honest, and willing to try new ways of coping. Don't feel scared, embarrassed, or anxious. And feedback is always welcome.


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